Film Review - Enemy of the State

This is one of those conspiracy-driven who's good-who's bad-I don't-know-let's-chase-the-black-guy kind of movie.

Will Smith is a lawyer out buying his wife a Christmas gift when an old acquaintance slips something the government finds very sensitive into his bag. The acquaintance is killed and the rest of the film involves the hunting of Smith.

The film is a long string of chase scenes laced with improbable technology. I take it back, the technology isn't improbable, but how easily it is accessed is. Filmmaker Tony Scott doesn't know diddly about spy satellite orbits.

When all is said and done, you have to remind yourself of the line Ham Salad says in Hardware Wars. "Relax kid, it's just a movie!"

Jammed Pipe!

Film Facts

Directed by Tony Scott

Released in 1998

MPAA Rating: R

Reviewed by Mongo