Some Misc Thoughts

I usually don't give any woman a 2nd thought. The 1st one usually covers everything !!!

Nothing is more wasted than a smile on the face on a Playmate centerfold.

I've nothing against 90's women, Honest !!! But I think wash and wear bridal gowns are a bit much.

I've found that women are the chief cause of men's lying. They insist on asking too damn many questions !!!

I was once kicked out of a nudist colony. They said I had too much on my mind.

My new secretary must be absent minded. She left her clothes at the office, and took me to the cleaners.

I'm not easily attracted by a girl's mind; rather by what she doesn't mind.

I met this girl who said I could fill a void in her life. It wasn't until later I found out she meant her clothes closet.

Remember guys -- a vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry.

I'm always ready to go to bat for a woman. But I must admit, it's nicer, if she has the right kind of curves.

It's always very hard to keep a good girl down -- but, lots of fun trying !!!

You've all heard the expression, "There's an exception to every rule." Oh Yeah? Well how come there's none to that rule ???

Tell me another Joke!