Three Women

Three women died and went to heaven. On their way to the pearly gates. St. Peter was there to greet them.

St. Peter said to the women, "before you can enter you each have to answer one question correctly."

So, St. Peter goes to the first woman and asked, "who was the first man God had created?"

The first woman looked at St. Peter and said, "oh that's easy, Adam."

The trumpit sounded gate open and St. Peter said, "you may enter."

Then St. Peter goes to the second woman and asked, "who was the first woman God had created?"

The second woman looks at St. Peter and said, "oh that's easy, Eve."

The trumpit sounded gate open and St. Peter said, "you may enter."

Then St. Peter goes to the third woman and asked, "what were the first words Eve said to Adam?"

The third woman starts thinking then looked at St. Peter and said, "oh, that's a hard one."

The trumpit sounded gate open and St. Peter said "you may enter."

Tell me another Joke!
