April 2006 Archive
It's Tax Season!
April 1
Low Fat
The Pond
The Top Ways to Celebrate Spring Internationally
Haitian Humor
Little Johnny and the Farm
Dame Judi
Golf and Taxes
Best Friends
Up Up and Away
Makes Sense to Me!
Church Announcments
AMA Study
The One Room Schoolhouse
GM Bonus Cuts
What Do You Remember?
Mellowing Out
Bush Cuts
What Does it Take?
You Know You're A Biker When...
Benchley Dies
What's the Difference?
1st Grade Skirt-Chaser
Size Matters
Profound Thoughts 1
Doctor Retiring
Profound Thoughts 2
Fossett Flies
Profound Thoughts 3
Rupert Biz
Profound Thoughts 4
Adding Bad Characters
The Magician
Profound Thoughts 5
Easter Sunday
Six Double Vodkas
Profound Thoughts 6
Spousal Picks
Bad Luck
Profound Thoughts 7
Clarence Thomas' Bio
Paranoia 1
Profound Thoughts 8
Fifth 24
Paranoia 2
Profound Thoughts 9
NSA Monitoring
Paranoia 3
Profound Thoughts 10
Gas Up
Paranoia 4
Profound Thoughts 11
Sutter Salute
Paranoia 5
Profound Thoughts 12
Cough Syrup Warning
Paranoia 6
Court TV
Cabbie's New Home
Paranoia 7
I'm Afraid of Heights!
Muscle Cars
Paranoia 8
How Much is That Doggie in the Window?
Warrant Wise
Paranoia 9
Thinking Ahead
Paranoia 10
That Sucks!
Senate Run
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Modern Church
Kirstie's Method
Poor Guy...
Saddam's Defense
I Stopped
No Fly
Cats' View of God
New Missouri Law Proposed