January 2008 Archive
Yo Momma So Poor 1
Yo Momma So Ugly 1
Ford Failure
Yo Momma So Poor 2
Yo Momma So Ugly 2
PJ Problem
Yo Momma So Ugly 3
Hotel Sale
We Had Words!
Yo Momma So Ugly 4
Early IQ
Should'a Just Got The Eggroll
If you can't beat 'em...
At A Vegas Bar
The Weekly World News
Opium On
ATM Slot Machine
Clergy Cleaner
Church Bulletin Bloopers 1
Pennsylvania Vice
Dogg Nabbed
Church Bulletin Bloopers 2
News Theft
Church Bulletin Bloopers 3
Sad, But True
Capitol Improvement
Church Bulletin Bloopers 4
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Sprinter Cheats
Church Bulletin Bloopers 5
Sea Cows
Too Much TV
Where did the time go?
Dixie Freeze
Merda Dura
"Old" is When... 1
Bank Bottoms
The First Day
"Old" is When... 2
Always seems to be low tide...
Time is Relative
"Old" is When... 3
"Old" is When... 4
Teen Sex
You're Out!
"Old" is When... 5
20 Cops
Shopping Tip
"Old" is When... 6
IHOP Applebees
Repopulating the World
"Old" is When... 7
Dope Workers
Hot to Trot!
"Old" is When... 8
Police Brutality...
The Metric System
How Old Are You?
Anger Management...
Note from Husband
Doctor Drill
Dear Diary
The Commie Threat
Forgive Me Father...
Damned Batteries Are Dead Again!
Go To France!
1-liners 1
A Tall Tale
Words of Wisdom
1-liners 2
Mister Softee
At a Restaurant in Glasgow
1-liners 3
At The Racetrack
1-liners 4
Where's Smil'in Bob When You Need Him?
Be Careful What You Ask For...
1-liners 5
At the Movie House
Let Us Pray, Man!