- Baby
- Babysitter
- Bach Chorale
- Bachelor
- Backup Disc
- Backward
- Bacteria
- Baggage Claim
- Baklava
- Balance the checkbook
- Balderdash
- Banana Split
- Bandwidth
- Barstool
- Barbeque
- Bard
- Bare
- Bartender
- Baseball
- Bassinet
- Bassoon
- Bathroom
- Batmobiling
- Battery Electrolyte Tester
- Baud
- Beauty
- Beauty Parlor
- Because
- Bed & Breakfast
- Beepilepsy
- Beer
- Belong
- Benign
- Beta
- Betamaxed
- Bid
- Big Band
- Bigamy
- Binary
- Bindings
- Biology
- Birth Control
- Birthquake
- Bit
- Blamestorming
- Bliss
- Blizzard
- Bloatware
- Block
- Block Diagram
- Blonde Jokes
- Blowing Your Buffer
- Boat Anchor
- Bob War
- Body Nazis
- Bones
- Boob's Law
- Book
- Bookbag
- Boomerang Workers
- Bored
- Border Crossers
- Boss
- Bossa Nova
- Boy
- Bozone Layer
- Bradley's Bromide
- Brady's First Law of Problem Solving
- Brain
- Brain Fart
- Brainstorm
- Bric-a-brac
- Bris and Tell
- British Museum, The
- Britney
- Brothel
- Brute Force
- Bubblegum
- Bubble Memory
- Bug
- Bulletin
- Bureaucrat
- Burp
- Burrito
- Bush, George W.
- Business Card
- Bustard
- Butt
- Buttload