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Da Joke RSS Feed

RSS feed available from

Q: What is Da Joke RSS?

A: Da Joke RSS is a private service, maintained by LowComDom Performances, that dispenses humor from the Gag-O-Matic joke server in Sillycon Valley California. Most of these jokes are made from recycled ones and zeros we received in email. Da Joke RSS is currently read by thousands of people. We warn you that the Jokes dispensed may offend you. If you are easily offended, do not subscribe to this service.

Our Basic Service:

Three Jokes per day.

Q: Okay Biff, how do I join?

A: Just put into your RSS reader, aggregator, or even most web browsers.

Q: Okay, but if I ever need to How Do I Get Off This Chickenshit service?

(See I told you it might offend!)

A: If you're really not into this, or your daily data load is too heavy, just drop the feed from your RSS reader, aggregator, or browser.

Q: Can I have fries with my jokes?

A: No.

Q: Can I submit jokes directly to the feed?

A: No. Send them to us and if we like 'em, we'll pass them on.

Q: Can I have just the funny jokes, and not all the un-funny jokes?

A: They're all funny to someone.